[2022/01] Jeongtak Kim's work accepted to IEEE VTM !

2022-01-07 16:20
A research work by Jeongtak Kim, a WMNL graduate student, has been accepted to IEEE Vehicular Tech. Magazine (VTM), a top journal in the fields of transportation and telecommunications. His work has revealed the true nature of what is happening inside the tube of the Hyperloop system, a next-generation transportation concept initially proposed by Elon Musk.

We believe this is the first paper in the world that completely analyzes the intra-tube EM propagation considering densely-populated fast-moving pods and built-in base stations (BSs) in the tube structure. The paper showed that wireless communications within the waveguide-like tube is totally different from the classical waveguide-based communications, primarily due to the obstacles (i.e., pods and BSs) in the tube, and also identifies desirable frequency bands and EM modes to utilize for soon-to-come Hyperloop communication systems.